Thursday, February 19, 2009

So what is so wrong, with alcohol?

Miscellaneous Musings from a Mom

Just some random thoughts for a February evening:

Why did my 3 1/2-year-old son suddenly decide to start calling us "Mom" and "Dad" instead of "Mama" and "Daddy"? It is cute the way he pronounces both titles so emphatically and carefully, but it is sad! Way too grown-up, even our 11-year-old daughter calls me "Mommy" still.

And why do schools need to drum into Middle-Schoolers' heads that alcohol is bad, bad, bad! I had to jointly fill in a health worksheet with her tonight to refute all the myths about alcohol and kids. True, it is not good for growing kids to drink, but telling them it is all evil will just entice them more. Why can't we be like Europeans, and just set good examples for our kids, that good wine and beer can enhance a good meal with good company?

Lastly, why don't Moms get tips for cooking, serving, and cleaning up after dinner? I put this question to my family tonight, after once again cooking a nice supper and having to clean up after they wolfed it down in minutes and fled the scene. I pointedly remarked that at least when I waitressed at Ponderosa I got tips and didn't even have to wash dishes. My daughter at least got my drift a bit, she asked if doing dishes counted (not that she does them, but still). My husband just gave me a weird look and disappeared back down into his basement office. I should have loudly replied that "Yes, I do accept non-monetary tips!" Hah!!

1 comment:

techcommdood said...

I could use some tips, or some table bussers!!!

I don't know what the deal is with the "alcohol is evil" nonsense that the schools preach. I remember Heather coming home with her head swimming with info and concern. After all, she knows I'm a homebrewer, and I had to have a nice long talk with her to deprogram all of the garbage they fed her head.

Yes, alcohol is not good for growing kids. It's not a big deal to wait until you're old enough to really enjoy it. Alcohol, in moderation, has health benefits. My homebrew, in moderation, is packed with healthy vitamins and minerals that you don't get in processed, filtered commercial beer.

I too wish we had a more European mentality about alcohol. Maybe we wouldn't have such a bad underage drinking problem, or so many alcohol-related injuries and deaths.

What really ticks me off is not being able to mail - in any legal way at all - my homebrew to my non-local friends who also brew.