Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Looking good on paper

Yikes, only blogged once in March and now it's April 8.

We visited back home this past weekend. My Mom gave me a small plastic bag with mementos she had unearthed from my high school days and Cornell Graduation, not least of which was the menu for the restaurant we went to to celebrate the event, & where Mike proposed to me (I know, "awwww").

But it also struck me that I haven't lived up to my potential. All the newspaper clippings about my high school and college accomplishments, Dean's list, B.S. with Distinction, winning the French contest with our book and getting that book published years later. Whew. This Mary Elise Loiacono chick looks awesome on paper. What happened?

Student loan payments. Corporate America. The economy. Mortgage. Marriage. Babies. Agile. Scrum.

That's quite a list.

1 comment:

techcommdood said...

I was thinking the same of me. What happened? I think it's a conspiracy.